We are solution-oriented environmental professionals focused on integrated, multi-disciplinary solutions for planning, design, permitting, construction, risk mitigation, assessment, remediation and reclamation. As recognized leaders and trusted advisors for industry, private, and municipal clients, we strive to protect ecological integrity and integrate natural assets, while balancing our clients’ needs. With teams including professional agrologists, biologists, hydrogeologists, engineers, geoscientists and other certified professionals, McElhanney has the experience to successfully provide effective environmental solutions.

Our in-house hydrogeologists and groundwater engineers provide technical expertise on development, construction, and municipal servicing projects. McElhanney provides timely service for needs ranging from contaminant hydrogeology to regulatory support for groundwater diversion licensing to drinking water permits.
Our hydrogeology services include:
- Groundwater resource assessment and water supply development
- Delineation of contaminated groundwater and assessment of migration
- Infiltration assessment for stormwater or sewerage management
- Pre-construction private water well assessments for highway upgrade projects
- Site selection and design support for stormwater ponds and infiltration fields
- Aquifer impact assessments for municipal development permits
- Water quality hazard assessments (including GARP)
- Groundwater license applications
- Water well life-cycle management including well efficiency assessments and regular maintenance programs
- Groundwater resource protection and sustainability assessments

McElhanney provides a broad range of environmental assessment services to support proposed developments. Pre-disturbance assessments provide baseline data required for regulatory permits (federal, provincial, municipal), as well as develop meaningful mitigation and identify opportunities for site-specific design elements. For each project, we choose assessment methodology based on project regulatory requirements, industry standards, and/or scientific best management practices. Our reports are concise and written to meet project requirements as well as applicable regulations, including permitting. Types of pre-disturbance assessments can include:
- Wetland assessments
- Aquatic and fisheries assessments
- Marine and freshwater habitat and biota assessments
- Riparian management areas classification
- Wildlife and habitat assessments, including species-specific surveys and general habitat suitability for rare species
- Vegetation assessments, including rare plants, weeds, and vegetation community characterization
- Species at risk identification, inventories, and management
- Soil surveys
- Conservation and reclamation plans
- Biophysical impact assessments

McElhanney’s environmental professionals foster successful working relationships with regulators at the federal, provincial, and municipal levels. We are well versed in:
- Federal Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, Migratory Bird Convention Act, Species-At-Risk Act, and Fisheries Act
- British Columbia’s Environmental Assessment Act, and Wildlife Act
- Alberta’s Water Act (including the Wetland Policy), Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, Public Lands Act, and Wildlife Act
- Municipal regulations, bylaws, and policies in British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan.
McElhanney provides agency negotiations and liaison for approvals as well as any necessary documentation such as reporting, assessments, design, and mitigation. We can also assist with compliance issues as they arise.

In McElhanney’s experience, mitigation and restoration is most successful when our clients, the contractor, and the regulator are on board. We work with our design teams to incorporate mitigation in design to limit disturbance, protect ecological integrity, and provide cost savings. We pride ourselves on linking science to business through cost-conscious, site-specific solutions that considers existing conditions, future use, regulatory requirements, and climate resiliency. McElhanney can assist with:
- Stream crossing design
- Habitat offsetting, including fish habitat
- Wetland replacement, design and construction
- Naturalized stormwater management facilities
- Restoration planting and seeding plans
- Weed management plans
- Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) plans
- Environmental Construction Operation (ECO) plans
- Construction and environmental monitoring, including water quality monitoring, wildlife sweeps, as well as fish and wildlife salvages
- Post-construction monitoring

With extensive experience and knowledge of applicable regulations, guidelines and industry standards, McElhanney’s environmental professionals work with both industrial and civil clients to provide effective solutions for contamination assessment and remediation. We utilize alternative assessment and remediation methods wherever feasible to set McElhanney apart as an industry leader. McElhanney’s experienced personnel provide:
- Risk assessment and risk management
- Asset retirement obligation management
- Phase I, II, and III environmental site assessments
- Hazardous material surveys, abatement and demolition management
- Soil, sediment, soil vapour, and groundwater monitoring programs
- Site-specific in-situ/ex-situ contaminated site management and solutions
- Soil salinity assessments and remediation
- Spill response and site restoration

Reclamation is key to site closure and to ensure the return to healthy, functioning ecosystems. McElhanney has the reclamation expertise and regulatory experience to successfully reclaim sites within various land uses, including agricultural and natural areas. We provide the following reclamation services:
- Reclamation planning, programs and supervision
- Vegetation identification and monitoring
- Detailed site assessments and reclamation assessments
- Certificate of restoration services
- Reclamation certificate application services
- Professional declarations, as required
As experts in reclamation, we have experience with British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan criteria.