Vedder Roundabout
2017-2018 | Chilliwack, BC
Due to dense development in the Chilliwack center and Cultus Lake Recreational area, the existing Vedder Road was overcapacity. The City retained a Design Build Contractor to develop options to improve capacity and take into consideration truck routing, accommodation of bicycle and pedestrian crossings, relocation of existing poles, and minimizing private property impacts.
McElhanney acting as the Prime Engineer for the contractor developed engineering design options, including a three-leg roundabout perched on a hillside. We provided traffic engineering analysis projecting future traffic volumes, value engineer, general arrangement drawings for retaining walls, and determined third party utility impacts. We also provided cost effective conceptual solutions to enhance traffic flow, promote pedestrian and cyclist safety, and reduce collision points at this existing at capacity intersection, as well as provided the Contractor with clarity on cost for the chosen design and staging opportunities.
A key project achievement was when McElhanney minimized retaining wall heights and property impacts for adjacent properties. This was accomplished through shifting the roundabout button and acquiring a portion of underutilized private property.
3D Photorealistic renders were required to showcase the design of this roundabout. CAD files were provided to model the roundabout as well as the terrain. After adding textures, lights and 3D models the renders were retouched to produce the final 3D imagery. The Contractor used these renderings to communicate the project to residents and stakeholders.