Trans Mountain Expansion Project, Wire Clearance Mapping
2022 | Chilliwack, BC
TransCanada provided McElhanney a list of construction access routes through Chilliwack that required an assessment of overhead obstruction clearances. Our team drove the 130km route with mobile LiDAR, capturing all features along the routes over the course of two days. Once the data was processed to produce an accurate georeferenced point cloud, automated tools were used to identify all overhead obstructions within the roadway and report on the clearances to these.
A conventional survey would have taken an excessively long time and posed a risk of missing obstructions. Therefore, a high-definition solution was necessary. By using Mobile Laser Scanning at regular driving speeds along with automated software tools, McElhanney was able to produce a detailed map of obstructions and clearances within two weeks, including the field work.
We quickly condensed the extensive road network data into actionable location and clearance height information for upload into McElhanney’s Vertisee GIS platform. We also integrated built-in-street view allowing the project team to view obstructions without needing to drive around the city.
McElhanney delivered:
- Mobile laser scanning
- Automated software tools – Vertisee GIS Platform