Swan Lake & Brett Road Trestles
2013 | Saanich, BC – The Swan Lake and Brett Road Trestles are former railway trestles located on the Lochside Regional Trail and originally built between 1915 and 1917. Swan Lake Trestle is a 32 span 150m long structure and Brett Road Trestle is a 5-span 30m structure.
The trestle superstructures (stringers, deck, railings) were upgraded in 1995 to convert the railway trestles to pedestrian trestles. CRD Parks, as manager of the regional trail network, requested that detailed condition assessments be undertaken for the two trestles to establish the current condition of the structures. The detailed condition assessment included inspection of the original timber substructure (extended timber piles and timber pile caps) and the 1995 upgrades. Inspections were performed by visual, hammer sounding, wood coring and probing techniques to confirm component dimensions and material integrity.
In November 2013 CRD proceeded with high priority repairs recommended by McElhanney to maintain the trestles short term functional usage. McElhanney prepared a “Revised Immediate Renewal Needs” report which was used by CRD to procure a repair contract. McElhanney also supervised the repair works, which were completed in December 2013.
McElhanney’s scope of work included:
- Detailed inspection of all trestle components using visual observations, boring of timbers, and hammer sounding and compiling results into a final Condition Assessment Report for each trestle.
- Preparation of tender documents for repair of trestles and project supervision during repairs.