Newton Town Centre Stormwater Detention Pond
2015 | Surrey, BC – In 2015 the City of Surrey needed a stormwater detention facility in Newton to accommodate future and existing development, improve water quality, and mitigate erosion within Hyland Creek.
Using the detention pond design provided by AECOM, McElhanney:
- Finalized the detail design drawings
- Prepared erosion and sediment control and landscaping plans
- Prepared tender documents
- Tendered for construction
- Analyzed submitted tenders and prepared a recommendation letter for contract award
- Provided contract administration and resident field services during construction
- Provided post construction flow monitoring for 6-months to assess pond performance
- Prepared as-constructed record drawings
The detention pond design involved the installation of 525mm and 1200mm diameter storm sewers within the roadway to direct runoff from two catchment areas (70th Avenue and 138th Street), from the existing roadside ditch into the proposed detention pond inlet channel. To accommodate the 1200mm storm on 70th Avenue, a 300mm operational sanitary sewer was relocated.
A new headwall was installed within an existing Class B ditch, which necessitated an environmental overview assessment for approvals and notification to Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations. The pond also required common excavation of approximately 52,000 cu.m of existing material, over 800m of trail construction, 500m of fence installation, planting of 380+/- trees and shrubs, 4500m2 of ground cover, and 15000m2 of topsoil and seeding.
Once complete the detention pond and the surrounding area was transformed into a public park.