Spitzee Crossing Functional Servicing Plan
2015 | High River, AB
To support future development of approximately 607 acres of land in the Northwest portion of High River, AB, McElhanney was engaged to undertake a functional servicing study for the area. McElhanney reviewed the area structure plan and prepared population calculations based on the proposed land uses for the area.
LiDAR contours were obtained to provide preliminary review of the optimal servicing for the lands. Our team was responsible for providing servicing options for the water, wastewater, and stormwater servicing at the functional level. A water network model was produced to confirm water pipe sizes such that ADD, MDD, Peak Hour, and Fire Flows could be achieved. A wastewater collection model was produced to confirm gravity main pipe sizes for the collection system, which also included allowance for infiltration into the system as per provincial guidelines. It was determined that two lift stations would be required within the development area to provide servicing. A stormwater model was prepared to confirm the stormwater collection system requirements as well as storm pond requirements to achieve the required guidelines.
McElhanney provided:
- Population projections
- Water modelling
- Wastewater modelling
- Stormwater modelling
- Preliminary cost estimates
- Coordination and collaboration with land developers and Town
The Town had an Infrastructure Master Plan that provided a water reservoir and pump station located central to the development. Through our water modelling, it was noted that the proposed location of the reservoir would not be able to be filled at sufficient rates without additional offsite improvements. McElhanney worked with the Town and land developers, ultimately ending up with a reservoir located on the west end of the development which allowed for filling at the required rates. This relocation resulted in approximately 2km of water trunk main being removed from the development, resulting in over $2 million of savings to the developers. The relocation also reduced the amount of infrastructure the Town will need to maintain in the future.
Upon final execution, the proposed stormwater management solution will result in the removal of one of the Town’s existing roadways which will be replaced with a liner park system complete with a series of storm ponds and conveyance channels along the park. The system will combine stormwater management as an amenity feature to the linear park.