Rosebud Infrastructure Master Plan
2021 | Rosebud, AB
The Hamlet of Rosebud is an arts and cultural mecca in southern Alberta. The community is home to Alberta’s only rural professional theatre which includes an opera house, studio stage and amphitheatre, that hosts outdoor concerts and plays. Rosebud is a tight knit community of approximately 100 people.
As part of McElhanney’s Standing Offer Agreement with Wheatland County, we were engaged to complete an Infrastructure Master Plan for the Hamlet of Rosebud to look at the current state of infrastructure in terms of condition and capacity and review infrastructure needs to service the existing and future needs of the community.
Lack of available documentation and record information created challenges in building accurate water and wastewater models for the system. Collaborative virtual meetings with County staff, field visits, survey, and cross checking of available information (with conflicting information) was completed to verify the existing infrastructure and calibrate system models. Hydrant flow testing was also completed for water model verification and calibration. McElhanney teamed up with the County’s Public Works and Operations personnel to investigate the system and documented the information in GIS deliverable format for use in the County’s GIS and Asset Management Systems.
Through extensive collaboration with County staff and McElhanney’s integrated team of professionals from numerous branches, our team successfully delivered a comprehensive Infrastructure Master Plan for the County detailing improvements required for both existing and future development for long-term prosperity in the community of Rosebud, AB.
McElhanney provided:
- Hydrant Flow Testing
- Topographic Survey
- Water System Modelling
- Stormwater System Modelling
- Pavement and Gravel Road Condition Assessment
- Population and Development Forecasting
- Infrastructure Condition and Capacity Assessment
- Project Descriptions & Estimates for existing and future improvements to the systems