City of Kamloops North Shore Neighbourhood Plan
2022 | Kamloops, BC
In 2020, the City of Kamloops (the City) began the process of updating its 2008 North Shore Neighbourhood Plan. McElhanney joined the City to complete the third and final phase of the project, which included writing the draft plan, completing an updated set of development permit area guidelines for the North Shore, and carrying out community and stakeholder engagement initiatives. By combining our province-wide presence with our knowledge of local regulations and requirements, we offered the City a blend of expertise and familiarity that supported project success.
The neighbourhood plan provided guidance and land use management direction for Kamloops’ North Shore. This area encompasses over a quarter of the city’s residents, an extensive waterfront area, and major commercial and employment lands, including the area’s regional airport.
The plan included:
- A community vision and set of principles that serve as a guiding framework for the plan
- Policies for 13 distinct geographic sub-areas and 8 topic areas, such as transportation and housing
- A series of 10 design concepts and ideas to help achieve the community’s vision for key redevelopment areas, new housing opportunities, and capital projects
- An implementation strategy that includes a set of short, medium, and long-term actions to help implement the plan’s vision for the area over a 20-year time frame
A further part of McElhanney’s contribution was the creation of a Future Land Use Framework. This framework provided guidelines on levels of residential density, types of housing, and key locations targeted for new infill and multi-family residential or mixed‑use development.
The North Shore Neighbourhood Plan was adopted unanimously by the City of Kamloops Council in September 2022, and the outlook shared by the City is optimistic, “The updated North Shore Neighbourhood Plan sets out a framework for success on the North Shore. Input from the engagement process is reflected throughout the plan—in the vision, goals, and policies. The City of Kamloops is now equipped to implement the plan and to realize its vision in the years to come.”
McElhanney provided:
- Land use analysis and recommendations
- Policy development, design of supporting visuals, and document preparation
- Update of development permit area guidelines, including engagement with the local development industry
- Public communications and technical writing services, including preparation and coordination of e-newsletters, project website updates, engagement summary reports, and Council reports
- Engagement services, including the planning, coordination, materials preparation, and running of stakeholder meetings, open houses, virtual workshops, and community surveys