Mount Lehman Interchange
2004-2006 | Abbotsford, BC – Abbotsford was Canada’s fastest growing economy in 2004 according to The Conference Board of Canada. The existing Mt. Lehman Road / TransCanada Highway Interchange was overwhelmed by this rapid growth and the expansion of Abbotsford International Airport. Users of the interchange and surrounding intersections were subjected to long delays and compromised safety during peak hour traffic. The City of Abbotsford and the Ministry of Transportation formed a partnership to seek a solution that would improve traffic flow, safety, aesthetics, environmental standards, and accommodation of pedestrians and cyclists, while enhancing this gateway to the City.
McElhanney provided conceptual through detail design for the new interchange. We also provided traffic analysis, public consultation services, utility design, prepared contract documents, and provided construction supervision services. Work took place between 2004 and 2006.
McElhanney created a one-way couplet for the Fraser Highway / MacLure Road crossing of the TransCanada Highway. The separation of opposing traffic flows permitted the introduction of free-flow directional ramps while maintaining a compact interchange footprint. Combined with the introduction of two twin-lane roundabouts, the final design eliminated several intersections and greatly enhanced traffic access from the Trans-Canada Highway to the City of Abbotsford and the Abbotsford Airport.
The compact design footprint preserved 13.8 Hectares of land for other uses. Detention and bio-filtration ponds protect fish habitat from polluted run-off. Pedestrian walkways and cycle paths were also incorporated. Free-flow traffic reduces noise and air pollution. Design geometry and sight distances improve safety.
This project was so successful it won two awards:
- 2006, The Project of the Year, by the Public Works Association of BC.
- 2007, The ACEC-BC Award of Excellence