K’ómoks First Nation Community Park
2023-2024 | K’ómoks, British Columbia
K’ómoks First Nation (KFN) had felt the need for a community park and gathering space for some time – the need was highlighted in their comprehensive community plan as well as their 5-year strategic plan. The restraints experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic further emphasized KFN’s need; there was no accessible, outdoor gathering space that could be used when indoor spaces were unavailable.
KFN engaged McElhanney to write a Canada Community Revitalization Fund grant to build a safe and accessible space for KFN members to gather, meet, celebrate, and play. McElhanney’s grant writing process was informed by reviewing KFN’s comprehensive community plan and 5-year strategic plan. The surrounding subdivisions and infrastructure were also reviewed, and issues around drainage and future site usage were incorporated into the grant application. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s 94 Calls to Action also informed the writing process.
In early 2023, the grant application was successful, and KFN received funding through the Canada Community Revitalization Fund. McElhanney was again engaged to prepare a preliminary design for the park and gathering space. The project team worked with Chief, Council, and Staff to discern priorities for the park space before hosting a community engagement event.
McElhanney team members brought four different park configuration options to the community engagement event and invited individuals to add notes and comments to the designs. The engagement event included blank park layouts that community members could fill in from scratch to further capture individual visions for their community’s park.
The project team distilled the engagement feedback until three important elements remained: a playground for young children, a playground for older children, and a sport court for older children. These three elements formed the core of KFN’s new community park.
Finally, KFN engaged McElhanney for the construction phase of the project. McElhanney sought out KFN resources, like tree clearing services, throughout the construction process. Themes, messaging, and designs that align with KFN’s vision and community culture are woven throughout the park.
Today, K’ómoks First Nation has a safe and accessible outdoor gathering space to gather, meet, celebrate, and play. McElhanney is proud to be part of the project team that brought this space to life.
McElhanney provided:
- Grant writing
- Project management
- Contract administration
- Public engagement
- Construction administration
- Engineering design
- Landscape architecture design
- Stormwater management
- Survey
- Geotechnical