Hinton Disc Golf Parking Lot
The Hinton Disc Golf Association had been working towards completion of this project for several years with the aid of McElhanney staff on various project components. Thanks to a generous donation by Trans Mountain, the project was able to gain the momentum it needed to reach the finish line. In 2020, the McElhanney team was engaged to work with the Hinton Disc Golf Association and the Town of Hinton to complete a topographic survey of the existing conditions and prepare a concept plan of access and parking lot.
We kicked off the project with an in-depth review of existing site conditions, the relevant standards and the requirements of various stakeholders. One significant item that needed to be addressed was a design that promoted safe crossing of the active logging road by pedestrians and mountain bikers that would also be using the parking lot.
Once the conceptual design was approved by the stakeholders, the McElhanney team completed survey layout and construction inspection services. This project was completed entirely by local contractors donating services at reduced rates for this community project and McElhanney was no exception, also completing the project at a reduced cost.
What services did we provide?
- Topographical survey
- Parking lot and access design with concept plans and profiles
- Construction Management
- Final As-built survey