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We Wai Kai First Nations Housing Strategy

2021-2024 | Quinsam and Cape Mudge Reserves, by Campbell River, BC

The We Wai Kai First Nation lands include five separate reserve lands located near the area known as Campbell River, BC. We Wai Kai residences are centralized on two of the five reserves; Cape Mudge, which is on the south-western portion of Quadra Island, and Quinsam, located within the city limits of Campbell River.

To meet the growing housing needs of those living on reserve and those hoping to return to the reserve, We Wai Kai First Nation (the Nation) approached McElhanney to produce a housing strategy. The housing strategy would include an action framework to guide the planning of housing in the community, as well as an outline of how housing goals of the community could be achieved.

The We Wai Kai Nation Housing Strategy was developed through four successive stages:

  • Stage 1: Review community housing needs informed by data research and community engagement.
  • Stage 2: Define the layout of the housing strategy from the perspective of policies, known servicing networks and capacity constraints, and available lands.
  • Stage 3: Provide a review of available funding sources for the provision of housing and an analysis of fiscal tools and regulatory incentives to catalyze development.
  • Stage 4: Paint a picture of the regulatory framework required to manage residential and social land allocation and construction.

As the project proceeded, McElhanney teams remained aware of the geographic differences between Cape Mudge and Quinsam, including their accessibility and their existing servicing infrastructure. To best integrate infrastructure capacity constraints into the housing strategy, McElhanney planners turned to McElhanney’s civil engineering team for high-level insights on both Cape Mudge and Quinsam.

Housing strategy recommendations were also rooted in the constellation of We Wai Kai’s Land Code, Housing Policy, Land Use Plan, and Matrimonial Real Property Law. McElhanney planners suggested additional or amended policies within this constellation that could simplify the Nation’s ability to address challenges ranging from land and housing allocation to rights of occupancy and enforcement to construction approvals.

Today, We Wai Kai First Nation is equipped with an action framework to guide the planning of housing on Cape Mudge and Quinsam reserves. With this action framework in place, We Wai Kai First Nation has clarity around how their housing goals can be achieved to meet the needs of both those who live on reserve and those hoping to return.

McElhanney provided:

  • Community Engagement
  • Housing Strategy Report
    • Housing needs review
    • Land availability summary
    • Preliminary servicing requirements review
    • Land allocation framework
    • Building and construction framework
    • Funding options for housing construction
The cover for the We Wai Kai Nation Housing Strategy report has a purple background and shows a hand sketched streetscape of different housing types.