To commemorate the 125th anniversary of Banff National Park in 2010, Parks Canada commissioned the Banff Legacy Trail, a 22.3km paved trail stretching from the Town of Banff to Banff National Park’s east gate. However, a significant gap remained between the Park and the Town of Canmore.
McElhanney was retained in 2010 to begin work on designing this intercommunity connection. McElhanney identified and assessed highway crossing structure options, trail alignment options, and was responsible for the conceptual study design report, project management, detailed design, and coordination with various utility companies and CP Rail.
Adjacent to the Trans-Canada Highway, Legacy Trail is a multi-modal paved trail for non-motorized modes of travel such as walking, running, cycling, rollerblading and roller skiing. Spanning 4.5 km, it was completed in 2013 and provides safe, sustainable travel for both commuters and recreational users. It was also shortlisted for the 2014 TAC Sustainable Urban Transportation Award.