As-and-When Planning Services
2022 – ongoing | Various
McElhanney supports several small and medium-sized municipalities by providing planning services so that they are ready and prepared for development. Using local plans, bylaws, and policies, McElhanney’s planners offer professional advice, technical reports, and development review services. The experienced planning team allows municipal administration to focus on the daily governance needs of their community while serving as external advisors with expertise and training in a broad range of planning and development projects.
For example, McElhanney provides As-and-When (i.e., on an as-needed basis) planning services for the Town of Olds and Wheatland County. Under the Town of Olds agreement, the municipality depends on McElhanney for planning advice and support on small-scale projects. McElhanney planners have assisted the Town by writing a subdivision process manual, drafting micro-housing and housing mix zoning district regulations, and conducting a housing needs assessment.
In Wheatland County, planners have supported the municipality by reviewing technical reports, planning assessments, and completing development applications. Working in collaboration with County staff, McElhanney planners have significantly reduced processing timelines for planning-related applications. Planners have also provided extensive technical recommendations for Area Structure Plans (ASPs) and Area Concept Plans (ACPs).
McElhanney’s planning staff have extensive experience working with both urban and rural municipalities on a variety of projects and topics. This training allows the McElhanney team to understand the challenges facing urban and rural communities and find innovative ways to bolster existing municipal services and programs. The McElhanney team has experience in policy development and research, public engagement, and urban design. Planners have supported land development proposals, bylaw drafting and enforcement, and strategic planning and governance. McElhanney’s wide range of in-house talent further allows the planning team to bring in experts in various fields, including transportation, engineering, and surveying.
Learn more about McElhanney’s planning services here.
McElhanney provided:
- Public engagement, including open houses, youth workshops, surveys, social media and news releases, Council presentations, focus groups, panel discussions, site tours, and interviews
- Demographic and community research, development pattern analysis, and policy assessment
- Development application review and proposal revision
- Grant application services
- Policy drafting and research
- Area Sector Plans, Area Re-Development Plans, Municipal Development Plans, Land Use Bylaws, Official Community Plans, Zoning Bylaws, Parks and Recreation Plans, and other statutory and non-statutory documents
- Graphic design using Adobe Suite and Microsoft Office