80th Avenue Extension
McElhanney was retained to design a brand new road for the Township of Langley, connecting the intersection of Labonte Ave / 216th Street with the intersection of Glover Road / Trinity Western University.
McElhanney was retained to design a brand new road for the Township of Langley, connecting the intersection of Labonte Ave / 216th Street with the intersection of Glover Road / Trinity Western University.
McElhanney worked alongside Parks Canada to complete several avalanche mitigation projects in the Rogers Pass area of Glacier National Park. This area is a critical link between Alberta and British Columbia, through which the Trans Canada Highway and the Canadian Pacific Railway traverse.
The budget-friendly re-design included a much-needed new bypass around the lift station for emergency or other temporary use. Through intricate design, the team managed to tie it in with existing, unused infrastructure to save the Town added expense.
In 2014 the City of Cold Lake adopted the Kinosoo Beach Master Plan, which McElhanney planners helped the City to create. The project engaged citizens of all ages in the enhancement of one of Cold Lake’s best destinations.
The survey work for the intake tower included GPS, 3D laser scanning, UAV, and multi-beam bathymetry. The team used GPS to establish primary control from which to base the survey, and then extended that control network around the site with a conventional total station.
Ross Road is located between Mountain Highway and Allan Road in North Vancouver. McElhanney is designing replacement bridges for the aging Coleman Creek and Hastings Creek Bridges. This involves raising both the roadway approaches and bridges to achieve the maximum freeboard possible.
McElhanney gathered laser scanned data, converted it into a 3D model, then brought it into Virtual Reality software. This is a relatively simple virtual reality experience where the user can move around the station by walking or teleporting.
The 3D visualization for this project needed to show what No. 2 Road would look like after the widening between Steveston Highway and London Road was finished. Our team took photos from 5 specific locations to so the surroundings in the rendering could be accurate.
3D Photorealistic renders were required to showcase the design of this roundabout. CAD files were provided to model the roundabout as well as the terrain. After adding textures, lights and 3D models the renders were retouched to produce the final 3D imagery. The Contractor used these renderings to communicate the project to residents and stakeholders.
This Virtual Reality experience shows the potential of this technology and its benefits for project proposals, public forums, marketing, stakeholder engagement, and more. Laser scanned data, CAD models, and 3D models were used along with programming to create this fully immersive experience.