Accessibility Guidelines for Alberta Provincial Parks

McElhanney, along with subconsultants Level Playing Field and Ron Wickman Architect, developed the Accessibility Construction Guidelines for Alberta Environment and Parks. The manual prescribes how to reduce barriers for challenged populations, giving them equal access to the splendor of Alberta’s parks.

Southwest Yorkson Stormwater Detention System

McElhanney designed a 21,200m3 stormwater detention system for the Southwest Yorkson neighbouthood of Langley, BC. Due to land constraints, McElhanney proposed a non-traditional solution where the stormwater detention system was installed below sports fields in tanks.

Kinosoo Beach Enhancement Project

In 2014 the City of Cold Lake adopted the Kinosoo Beach Master Plan, which McElhanney planners helped the City to create. The project engaged citizens of all ages in the enhancement of one of Cold Lake’s best destinations.

Coquitlam Intake Tower

The survey work for the intake tower included GPS, 3D laser scanning, UAV, and multi-beam bathymetry. The team used GPS to establish primary control from which to base the survey, and then extended that control network around the site with a conventional total station.