Highway 91 / 17 Upgrade Project

Located 25km from Vancouver, BC the City of Delta is a community neighbouring Surrey and Richmond. Following several major infrastructure upgrades—such as the Alex Fraser Bridge / Highway 91, Highway 91C, and Highway 17—the area has experienced significant population and development growth.

Bear Creek Bridge Replacement

McElhanney is providing a wide array of services for this project including structural, civil, and hydrological engineering, environmental, visualization, and arborist services. McElhanney developed the images to help illustrate the project concept.

San Josef River Bridge No. 7939

Holberg, BC – The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure requested McElhanney to perform a safety assessment of the existing bridge site, detailed design of the temporary detour Acrow bridge substructure and the conceptual and detailed design of the replacement bridge, under an As and When Engineering Services Contract. M