Meadows Subdivision & Meadows Drive Upgrades
2016 – Ongoing | Oliver, BC
Meadows is a phased subdivision with a build out of 60+ lots which required upgrades to Meadows Drive, including road widening with sidewalk, complete with stormwater infrastructure. In addition to detailed engineering designs, McElhanney performed planning, construction and contract management, and inspection services.
McElhanney worked with the owner through various real estate market cycles to prepare several land use concept plans for the 5-hectare riverfront property. Our local Penticton team also prepared and managed a rezoning and Official Community Plan amendment application with a public engagement process, which resulted in the rezoning of the property for small lot residential use.
Our team helped the client facilitate the necessary upgrades to Meadows Road by providing detailed design drawings including road and utility alignments, road grading, utility profiles, and stormwater management for submission and approval by the Town of Oliver.
Other services provided by McElhanney include:
- Coordination with shallow utility companies
- Tender process & MMCD contract administration
- Coordination of pre-construction and construction meetings
- Project administration
- Field review coordination – low pressure sanitary test inspection, sanitary and storm CCTV video inspection, water main flushing, pressure / leakage testing, disinfection, and bacterial testing
- Inspection report for design conformance
- Post-construction records