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Scholarship Overview

At McElhanney we are driven by our passion towards building a more equitable workplace and achieving a sense of belonging for all. To us, equity means fostering a workplace that is safe and welcoming to persons from all backgrounds and offering support to alleviate the barriers to inclusion by providing equal opportunity to all. McElhanney’s Equity Scholarship is designed to support visible minorities* pursuing careers in STEM fields applicable to McElhanney. We recognize and value the importance of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in the workplace, and we are committed to promoting these values both within our organization and throughout the broader community. By investing in the education and development of visible minority* students and new graduates, we hope to promote greater diversity and inclusivity within the STEM workforce and contribute to a more equitable workplace. The ideal candidate identifies as a visible minority* and strives to be an ally for the community, has demonstrated a strong commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion during their studies, while making a positive impact on their community and society at large. 

Selected recipients who are completing an education program in STEM are awarded up to $5,000 to use towards tuition, textbooks, supplies, and living expenses (on-campus accommodations) as well as providing a direct co-op / internship opportunity. 

Applications for McElhanney’s Equity Scholarship are now closed. Check back in 2025!

Candidates are also encouraged to apply for opportunities to join McElhanney as a co-op student or new graduate during our regular recruitment cycles (winter, summer, and fall), which will be advertised on McElhanney’s website and via most post-secondary institutions’ co-op communications.

What We Offer

As the recipient of McElhanney’s Equity Scholarship, you will receive:

Financial Support:

This scholarship offers up to $5,000 for tuition, textbooks, supplies, and living expenses (on-campus accommodations).


Industry Mentorship Opportunity:

Be paired with a McElhanney industry professional who will support you in achieving your professional goals. Together, you will discuss training, coaching, or career aspirations of interest to you.

Co-op Opportunity

Co-op / Internship Opportunity:

You will be awarded a paid co-op / internship that aligns with your career plans and McElhanney’s hiring needs. All scholarship applicants will be considered for current and upcoming McElhanney career opportunities. In addition, all applicants are strongly encouraged to apply to any opportunities directly at



We will share your efforts and accomplishments on McElhanney’s website and social media channels (great for your resume or portfolio).

*Members of visible minorities as defined by the Government of Canada: “A person in a visible minority group is someone (other than an Indigenous person as defined above) who is non-white in colour / race, regardless of place of birth. The visible minority group includes: Black, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, South Asian-East Indian (including Indian from India; Bangladeshi; Pakistani; East Indian from Guyana, Trinidad, East Africa; etc.), Southeast Asian (including Burmese; Cambodian; Laotian; Thai; Vietnamese; etc.) non-white West Asian, North African or Arab (including Egyptian; Libyan; Lebanese; etc.), non-white Latin American (including Indigenous persons from Central and South America, etc.), person of mixed origin (with one parent in one of the visible minority groups listed above), other visible minority group.” 

McElhanney is committed to fostering a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion which celebrates the successes that comes from a team diverse in expertise, experiences, and perspectives. We encourage and are pleased to consider all qualified candidates, welcoming all ethnicities, religions, colours, sex, sexual orientations, gender identities, Aboriginal status, age, or people with disabilities. Requests for accommodation can be made at any stage of the selection process.