Basecamp Apartments Riparian Area Protection Regulation (RAPR) Riparian Setback Assessment
2021-2022 | Golden, BC
McElhanney’s team delivered riparian assessments to Basecamp Resorts for their Basecamp Apartments staff housing development in Golden, British Columbia. With a site located on the floodplain of the Kicking Horse River and an occasionally active creek running across the property, the success of this development was contingent on the results of McElhanney’s engagement.
To move the project forward, our local teams completed a Riparian Areas Protection Regulations (RAPR) assessment for the project site. The RAPR assessment included a determination of riparian setback requirements and reviews of both arborist tree protection requirements and geotechnical site conditions. A review of floodplain protection bylaw requirements was also completed.
The architectural and landscape design planning for Basecamp Resorts Apartments was informed by the riparian environmental constraints, geotechnical site assessment, and site survey data provided by our team.
McElhanney provided:
- Geotechnical assessment, including: desktop review of publicly available data covering surficial geology, bedrock, water well records, and seismic hazard; borehole field testing for subsurface soil conditions; and soil sample laboratory testing.
- Riparian areas assessment to determine the Streamside Protection and Enhancement Area (SPEA) setback requirements specific to this project site.
- Assessment of riparian setback for the Kicking Horse River and for a small ephemeral stream located crossing the project parcel lands.