McElhanney Shines Bright at 2024 ACEC-BC Awards Gala

McElhanney team holding ACEC-BC Awards

Published: May 17th, 2024

Last night was a triumph for McElhanney as we attended the annual Association of Consulting Engineering Companies of British Columbia (ACEC-BC) Awards Gala that celebrates remarkable achievements across BC’s consulting engineering sector.

We’re thrilled to announce that two of our projects were recognized with an Award of Excellence and an Award of Merit, both in the Soft Engineering category!

Read more about these projects below:


Planning & Managing for Resilient Infrastructure in a Changing Climate: McElhanney’s Culvert Vulnerability Asset Management System

Laptop showing McElhanney's interactive asset management system

McElhanney’s Culvert Vulnerability Asset Management System, 2024 ACEC-BC Award of Excellence

Winner: Award of Excellence

Client & Project Owner: BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure

McElhanney’s Culvert Vulnerability Asset Management System is an innovative way to enable our client, the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, to assess culverts. A broad spectrum of data such as infrastructure, geography and physiography, climate change, hydrometrics, transportation routes, and environmental values is input into the system. This information is used to derive values for flow, hydraulic capacity, consequence factors, and the vulnerability score at each crossing, including the results from various climate change scenarios.

Learn more about this project here.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) LiDAR: City of Vancouver

Image of laptop showing AI model for LiDAR data

McElhanney’s AI Modelling for LiDAR Data, wins 2024 ACEC-BC Award of Merit

Winner: Award of Merit in Soft Engineering

Client & Project Owner: City of Vancouver

During this project, McElhanney developed an in-house AI model to extract and classify LiDAR data – one that demonstrated an innovative way to leverage technological advancements while increasing project accuracy and efficiency for our client. Its success lay not only in its technological innovation, but also in its adaptive approach, showcasing the potential for AI-driven, 3D feature extraction in diverse geographic and project-specific scenarios.

Learn more about this project here.


BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Wins Client of the Year Award

We are also thrilled to announce that our client, the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, was announced as the 2024 Client of the Year.  Congratulations and thank you to BC MoTI for your partnership!


Congratulations and thank you to all the staff, subconsultants, clients, and industry partners who contributed to these amazing projects! With your support, McElhanney continues to live out our core value of caring for the communities where we live, work, and play – and we couldn’t be prouder to see these efforts recognized with such prestigious awards.



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