McElhanney’s Calgary staff celebrating amalgamation.
How you may know us:
McElhanney is local. McElhanney has been operating since 1910. McElhanney can be relied on for the solutions you need. McElhanney passionately delivers projects that matter to your communities.
We’re reuniting.
As of April 1, 2019, McElhanney Geomatics Engineering Ltd. and McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd. will be uniting into one McElhanney Ltd., and this is no April Fool’s joke.
This amalgamation will capitalize on our shared technology and join together the expertise of our fellow staff to continue to serve you the best way we know how – the McElhanney way.
Will anything change for you? You will have the same contact and the same trusted McElhanney brand beside you helping you deliver your projects. In the background, we’ll be making our systems even leaner and meaner to get the job done.
Our accounting departments will be in touch with you to update records. In the future you will receive invoices from “McElhanney Ltd.” and not from McElhanney Geomatics Engineering Ltd. or McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd.*
Any contracts and proposals you have with these two companies are binding under the united McElhanney Ltd.
If you have any questions, we would be happy to hear from you. Call your McElhanney contact or email us at marketing@mcelhanney.com
Serving: Cities, Communities & Parks | Energy & Resources | Transportation

CEOs Allan Russell (left) and Bruce Winton (right) cutting the cake to celebrate.
*The Fine Print:
For clarity, not every subsidiary or associated McElhanney company is involved in the amalgamation and, accordingly, records or accounts of the following McElhanney entities will not need to be updated:
- McElhanney Engineering Services Ltd.
- McElhanney Consulting Services Inc.
- McElhanney Associates Land Surveying Ltd.
- McElhanney Consulting Geomatics Services Ltd.
- McElhanney Geomatics – Professional Land Surveying Ltd.
- McElhanney Land Surveys (Alta) Ltd.
- McElhanney Land Surveys (NL) Ltd.